Course content and declaration


welcome newly enrolled student Signature doula. I am so excited to have you onboard!

Please read through the following page, explaining how the course works and what can be expected.

Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards greatness !!

Course layout

This course is divided into sections with different lectures. Each lecture is like a different piece of a growing puzzle.

This course is designed to be done in an orderly fashion, meaning that each individual lecture has to be completed before you can move on to the next section.

This course is designed according to ACOG, CDC, SASOG and WHO guidelines. Your certification will be valid for 3 years so that you can receive the latest , updated guidelines every 3 years.

The contents of this course will released in a drip sequence, meaning that you will receive a new Section every week after your enrollment.

Published lectures will be released after a specific amount of days after a student enrolls. This means that you (the student) will not be able to access a lecture section until it has been "dripped" or released.

Lecture sections are to be dripped after a specified amount of days after enrollment, it will be released at midnight/0:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) of the specified date/amount of days after enrollment. Email announcements will be sent out at 3:00PM/15:00 UTC (15 hours after the lecture section drips). 

To see what UTC time would correspond to in your local time zone, use this UTC time converter. 

What will be taught in this course?

Becoming a doula can be challenging but it is so worth the effort.... after this course you will be a certified doula with the best, evidence based and medically graded knowledge that is available today.

The following will be discussed in depth:


Section 1 - Doula documentations

·        Scope of practice

·        Code of ethics

·        Indemnity insurance


Section 2 - THE DOULA

·        The doula in essence

·        Role & function

·        Professionalism & respect

·        How to get into hospitals

·        Midwife vs gynaecologist

·        Hospital etiquette

·        How to render unbiased support

·        Doula bag

·        Doulas and Covid 19

·        Activity 1

·        Test your learning


Section 3 - Anatomy & terminology

·        Terms defined

·        Obstetrics & gynaecology

·        Midwifery

·        Female anatomy

·        Male anatomy

·        Delayed puberty

·        The menstrual cycle

·        Conception, pregnancy & birth

·        Reproductive issues in women

·        Reproductive issues in men

·        Activity 2

·        Activity 3

·        Test your learning



Section 4 – Global maternity care guidelines


Section 5 – SA maternity care guidelines




Section 6 – Antenatal Support

·        Ensuring a healthy pregnancy

·        Belly binding

·        Antenatal duties as a doula

·        Doula-client meetings

·        Virtual videos and educational material

·        Intimacy during pregnancy

·        Ensuring an easier 3rd trimester

·        Exercises to ensure an easier labor

·        Round ligament pains

·        Pregnancy rebozo

·        Fetal positioning

·        Pregnancy chiropractor

·        Getting ready for birth

·        Cultural & religious differences

·        Pregnancy & COVID19

·        Activity 4

·        Test your learning




Section 7 – Termination of pregnancy

·        Abortion laws

·        Types of termination

·        Post-abortion care

·        Debriefing

·        Keepsake box

·        Boundaries

·        Partners

·        Activity 5

·        Test your learning




Section 8- Birth and beyond

·        The mechanism of birth

·        Hormones

·        Early labor signs

·        Stages of labor

·        Pain management and relaxation techniques

·        Dissecting the placenta

·        Reflexes

·        Birthing options

·        Pain management & coping techniques

·        Activity 6

·        Test your learning




Section 9 – Assisting during labor and birth

·        Creating the optimal birthing environment

·        Hospital birth VS out of hospital assistance

·        Pain management & breathing techniques

·        Timing contractions & when to go

·        Acupressure points

·        Movement VS stillness

·        Affirmations & visualization

·        Snacks & hydration

·        Partner assistance

·        Friends & family

·        Advocacy

·        Social media & birth announcements

·        Etiquette and scope of practice

·        Activity 7

·        Test your learning




Section 10 - Debriefing and Trauma release

·        The art and science of debriefing

·        Successful debriefing techniques

·        Processing effective debriefing tools

·        What is trauma

·        The signs & symptoms of trauma

·        Mental health

·        Understanding fear and anxiety (The primitive brain)

·        What is debriefing?

·        Steps of debriefing

·        Trauma release

·        Terminations, loss and grief

·        Stages of grief



Section 11 - Dealing with unexpected birth outcomes

·        Self-regulation techniques

·        Self-care

·        Debriefing fellow doulas

·        Support system

·        Activity 8

·        Test your learning




Section 12 - Medical aids

·        Which medical aids support doulas?

·        How to claim from medical aids




Section 13 – The Postpartum Period

·        Directly after birth

·        The first 6 weeks

·        Hormonal changes  

·        Baby Blues vs PPD

·        Milk supply

·        Herbal remedies

·        Sidz baths and essential oils

·        Pad-sickles

·        Nipple care

·        The forth trimester

·        Wearing the baby

·        The postpartum doula

·        Doula-client meetings

·        Chiropractor mom& baby

·        Physiotherapy

·        Mental health

·        Healing emotional and physical

·        Vaginal vs Cesarean recovery

·        Episiotomy vs tear recovery

·        Haemorrhoids and the first bowl movement

·        Prolapse

·        Kegel’s and pelvic floor exercises

·        Tips & Tricks

·        Scope of practice

·        Activity 9

·        Test your learning



Section 14– Breastfeeding and the infant microbiome

·        Hormones

·        Different types of feeding

·        Lactation vs breastfeeding

·        Breastfeeding positions

·        Colostrum vs foremilk vs hindmilk

·        Foremilk & hindmilk imbalance

·        Nipples, complications and hurdles

·        Engorgement vs Mastitis

·        Feeding schedules

·        Nappies and more

·        Breastmilk vs formula vs express

·        The first 6 weeks

·        Introducing solids

·        Nursing while pregnant

·        Nursing toddlers

·        Weening

·        Breastfeeding in COVID19

·        The microbiome defined

·        Breastmilk under the microscope

·        The vagina - a home to many

·        Vaginal vs cesarean section microbes

·        The infant gut

·        Promoting a healthy start

·        Probiotics

·        Activity 10

·        Test your learning


Week 11

Section 15 – Other types of feeding

·        Chest feeding

·        Bottle / fomula feeding

·        Mix feeding

·        Exclusive express feeding

·        Pump VS hand expression

·        Tube feeding

·        Cup feeding

·        Colostrum chasseing

·        Tandem feeding  

·        Test your learning


Week 12

Section 16 – Everything new after being born – newborn

·        Tongue, lip and cheek ties

·        Sleep regression and growth spurts

·        Reflexes and more

·        What new parents should know

·        Delaying the first bath and why?

·        Colic vs reflux vs over feeding

·        Infant jaundice and UV-light therapy

·        Meds and more

·        Infant chiropractor

·        Cloth vs disposable nappies

·        Nappies (formula fed vs breastfed vs teething vs solids)

·        Sleep training

·        Milestones

·        Cradle cap & rashes

·        Activity 11

·        Test your learning


 WEEK 13

Section 17 – Infant Hydrotherapy

·        What is infant hydrotherapy

·        Step by step tutorial

·        Activity 12

·        Test your learning


Section 18 – Vaccinations

·        SA laws

·        Rights

·        Mother vs baby

·        Pregnancy vaccinations



Section 19 – Contraceptives

·        Different types

·        Effects, pro’s and con’s

·        Postpartum

·        Breastfeeding

·        Test your learning



Section 20 – The digital doula

·        Building a virtual business

·        Do’s and Don’ts

·        Social platforms

·        Marketing tips and tricks

·        The physiology of marketing   

·        Doula-client meetings

·        Birth and postpartum support

·        Etiquette

·        Activity 13

·        Test your learning



Section 21 – Building your business

·        Legal documents

·        Indemnity insurance

·        Registering your business

·        Business plan

·        Marketing strategy

·        Networking

·        Advertisement

·        Activity 14

·        Test your learning


Week 17

Section 22 – The burnout

·        What is a burnout

·        Signs and symptoms

·        How to avoid a burnout

·        Overcoming a burnout

·        Activity 15

·        Test your learning



WEEK 18+19

Section 23 – Wrap up & recap

Test your learning



Final examination


WEEK 21 <


Certification (5 months - 2 years)

About the instructor:

Hi there.

My name is Estuné Maritz, and I will be your lecturer and tutor for the duration of this course.

If you have completed the 'Free Introduction In Becoming A Doula Course' you might recognize me as the owner and founder of Signature Doula.

I am an expert doula , and have been building a very successful business for more than 10 years.

The information and skills that you will receive form this course, is supported by research and of high quality, making this course the finest of it's sort. Signature doula was built to ensure that doulas are educated enough to educate their clients accurately and thoroughly.

I am a registered DOSA member and recognized as a professional doula.

This course is also DOSA accredited and recognized as a legitimatized certification course.

Welcome the the first and finest proudly South African online doula training program.

Created by a doula, for doulas.



Students will receive a new lecture each week.

The theoretical part of this course endures 20 weeks, after which you will have all the necessary skills to build a successful business.

Activities and quizzes

All course activities and quizzes are compulsory, unless stated otherwise.

Please sign each declaration form on each activity and final examination test.

All activities will be placed in your portfolio of evidence.


All video material can be emailed to [email protected] or sent via whatsapp to 074 412 9999.

In video activities, you will have to attach snippets or photos of the video content to the specific activity.

Your portfolio will deem as evidence that you are indeed competent as a doula and eligible for certification.

All activities must be completed and handed in along with your final case study and practical hours log-sheet, at the end of your course.

If activities are missing, Signature doula has the right to with hold your certificate, until your portfolio is completed, handed in , evaluated and deemed sufficient.

Signature Doula is training our students in correlation with the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act. No 50 of 1978)

The Act is as follows:

  • No person or educational institution, excluding a university or a technikon, may offer or provide any training having as its object to qualify any person for the practising of any profession to which the provisions of this Act apply or for the carrying on of any 24 other activity directed to the mental or physical examining of any person or to the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any mental or physical defect, illness or deficiency in man, unless such training has been approved by the professional board concerned. [Subs. (1) substituted by s. 7 of Act No. 8 of 1992 and amended by s. 14 of Act 89/97]

Complete and Continue  